Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Importance of Setting Goals

Still talking on my short year vacation at home. I was as usual looking for things to do around the house i.e. watching VCDs or DVDs. As I was browsing on interesting things to watch, I came across Siti Nurhaliza's concert at Royal Albert Hall, London. As a big fan of hers, I decided to watch it and something she said in the opening remark struck a nerve in me.

She said (may not be the exact words), "Ever since I started singing, it has always been my dream to perform here at the Royal Albert Hall. So, I have set a target that one day I will be here and to commemorate my 10th year in this business, my wish has come true".

It dawn on me, not just she is very talented, she is also a visionary. She does not just depend on few big successes, she worked hard to create more and bigger successes. It does make sense that in order to be successful or to achieve your dreams/objectives, you cannot rely on others. You must create your own destiny. Just as what she did to be able to perform at Royal Albert Hall.

Some thinking is required on my behalf I believe on what targets to set for me this year. So back to my thinking I guess.


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